Digital Infrastructure for Safety and Rapid Emergency Response

The bSafe technology platform is the only emergency management system developed with a holistic view to offer prevention, handling and documentation of incidents both at an individual, organizational and societal level.

Our solutions have from the beginning been built on real life incidents and actual user needs. We also have gained insights on user requirements, as well as possibilities for co-innovation, through our network that will be fundamental for the growth we are envisioning.

bSafe can stop incidents for individuals and in the workplace from happening and reduce crime, violence and sexual assaults. For companies, this translates into safe and motivated employees, better resource utilization, better quality of service offerings and, ultimately, reduced costs.

bSafe helps managing incidents by providing a technological infrastructure that allows users, businesses, emergency centers and authorities to connect and cooperate, enabling access to dispatchers and first responder teams in close proximity. As such, bSafe enables shorter emergency response time, a safer local community and better contact with the emergency services.

bSafe’s core idea is well aligned with UN’s Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16: “Peace, justice and strong institutions”, focused on promoting peaceful and inclusive societies, providing access to justice for all and building inclusive institutions at all levels.

More specifically to “significantly reduce all forms of violence and related death rates everywhere”.